2021_Energy Data Hackdays

We are looking forward to welcoming you on the Friday 24th and the Saturday 25th of September 2021 at the Hightech Zentrum Aargau in Brugg for the third edition of the Energy Data Hackdays in Brugg. Please fill in the form below to register.

We will get back to you with further information in due time before the Hackdays, so please make sure that you receive a confirmation mail after registration, and that it did not land in the spam...

Important: We will hold the event with Covid-19 certificate. This offers you additional security during the event and the aperitif.  For this reason, all participants need a Covid-19 certificate (vaccinated, recovered or tested).
If you do not have a valid certificate, we offer you the possibility of a rapid antigen test on site. If you would like to make use of this option, please contact us by 14 Sept 2021 via email maud.chatelet@opendata.ch.

If you have any questions, please contact us: maud.chatelet@opendata.ch.

Wir freuen uns, Dich an den Energy Data Hackdays den Freitag 24. und Samstag den 25 September 2021 im Hightech Zentrum Aargau in Brugg dabei zu haben. Mit dem folgenden Formular kannst Du Dich offiziell für den Anlass registrieren.
Wir werden uns mit weitere Informationen vor den Hackdays melden, bitte entsprechend verifizieren dass Du den Confirmation Mail tatsächlich erhältst und nicht Deinen Spam Ordner...

Wichtig: Wir werden führen den Anlass mit Covid-19 Zertifikat durch. Dies bietet Ihnen zusätzliche Sicherheit während Anlass und Apéro.  Aus diesem Grund benötigen alle Teilnehmenden ein Covid-19 Zertifikat (geimpft, genesen oder getestet).
Sollten Sie kein gültiges Zertifikat besitzen, bieten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit, einen Antigen-Schnelltest vor Ort durchzuführen. Wenn Sie davon Gebrauch machen möchten, bitten wir Sie, sich bei uns bis 14. Sept 2021 per Mail maud.chatelet@opendata.ch zu melden.

Wenn Du Fragen hast, kannst Du uns jederzeit über maud.chatelet@opendata.ch kontaktieren.
* indicates required
Knowing a little bit about your background helps us to facilitate networking among participants and projects
This helps us to estimate how many participants will actively take part and how many challenges we should present...
According to the Swiss Health Department COVID-19 regulation for contact tracing purposes.
According to the Swiss Health Department COVID-19 regulation for contact tracing purposes.
We are happy to hear about your motivation to take part, it helps us preparing the challenges and this as well as future events!
Tell us how you came to us, so that we get better at reaching interested people!
!this is not a comfortable option! Bring all your sleeping gears along!...
If the event would take place online, we might find a way to send a goodies-bag to sooth us all...

Please select Energy Data Hackdays 2021 to register to the event. If you want to be informed about further hackathons or about opendata.ch news, click in the corresponding checkboxes as well.